Quote(s) of the Period of Time I Randomly Choose

You're never as innocent as when you're wronged.

Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Hillary Unites Her Party

Tonight, in a nearly perfect speech, Hillary Clinton established herself as human adhesive. With clear words and a calm, sturdy demeanor she united the Democratic Party. While the media's claims of a fractured coalition may have been overstated, it will be difficult to continue playing that same tune now. The Senator from New York urged her followers to "keep going" and reminded them that they were not simply Hillary devotees, but supporters of the causes she and Barack Obama both embody.

With a steady dose of grace and a clever line about George Bush, "her friend, John McCain," and the Twin Cities Hillary established herself as the anti-sore loser. Where Ted Kennedy faltered in 1980, Mrs. Clinton succeeded in 2008. With a strong place in America as one of New York's most powerful politicians and a respected national voice, she doesn't appear to be fading. In fact, the former first lady's husband was often called The Comeback Kid, but it's clear the rock behind President Clinton during his many tribulations remains as dangerous as the Bronx Bombers in the late innings at Yankee Stadium. Hillary's performance in Denver was her rendition of God Bless America.

While the expected order may have been reversed, once Barack Obama has finished with his segment of Change in either 2012 or 2016, look for The Midnight Maiden to reach the White House once again. Barack Obama may not have waited his turn, but don't be shocked if Hillary Clinton gets hers when his clock strikes twelve.

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